How to stay focused?

How to stay focused when your whole world is tumbling and you just try to hang on?

That’s reality for me nowadays. But it does not have to be a bad thing, because it describes and proves that movement is in progress. Just a couple of years ago I had nothing to focus on, since I only tried to cope with everyday life as it was. Taking one day at a time with no plans and no future. The problem was that I tried to escape reality instead of taking action. Spent countless evenings and nights on gaming and gambling.


Talk about making it hard for oneself. The only trouble I had was to be a father of 2 kids with a demanding wife and a full time job. Not to much to complain about, especially since everyone was healthy and finances were fine. Then almost two years ago, I realized that something had to be done to get out of the “bad spinning circle”.

Since then I have been searching, learning and trying to achieve improvements to how I live my life and to how I treat myself. It started as a search for making money online with trading and online marketing. Slowly I got more and more interested in reading and watching information about personal development.

Personal development is an ocean deep well of knowledge that will never ever dry out. You can continue to learn all your life and never get fully trained. The more you read the more you understand, and the more you understand the more you want…

What I have discovered so far is that I suddenly started to care about myself and my own feelings. One of the positive sides of this is that I now start to care about other peoples feelings since mine got important. Another good side is that by treating myself better I get to be feeling really good about myself, and that is contagious. By feeling really good yourself you can share good to others. Just by going around smiling makes others smile and feel better as well.

personal development

By taking small steps ,only creating dust from the start, I got movement in my life that now has led to me taking care of my body better, quitting nicotine after 30 years, finding purpose in my life, writing and trying to help other people, earning money online, having a lot better relations both at work and with my family. Talk about change in less than 2 years, right. Imagine what can be done with the rest of your life if so much can be done i so little time. It is never to late, and everyone can do it.

It is so important to take care of yourself, cannot understand how I just did not care and blamed everyone/everything else instead. When you are able to love yourself you can take responsibility for everything that happens around you. Even bad things that you can’t possible have influence over can be taken as lessons to grow and prosper from.

You must realize that it is not only the “homeless” that can achieve success as you read in all testimonials. It is just them that is the best story and often them that has nothing else left that succeeds. We “normal” people have so easy to give up, to just go back to the easy life we had before. With no thought at all about what that life will lead you in the long run.

It is the long run that we must have in consideration. What will this or that do for me in the long run, and even more importantly. What consequences can become effective if I choose “not to do this” now. Often it is so much easier not to take action and just stall…

Now you might understand why focus is becoming so important for me.

I want to learn more!

I want to give more!

I want to do more!

give gain grow

But time is limited and it is important to stand with your commitments and your family.

So how do I stay focused? Well, I don´t. I try to do it all. You can do so much more than you think. Just remember to organize yourself and your work.

Take care


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