The best ways to make money online

The best ways to make money online is to focus on your goals and diversify your work and investments in five different areas, guided by an experienced mentor. Earlier this week I wrote a post about “diversify focus to ensure results“. Then it was all about your personal development. Today I will talk about your work online, and more specifically how to make money online. Whatever your purpose and goals are, making money is always the key to it all.

The first thing you really need to focus on when figuring out the best ways to make money online are your goals. You will need both long and short-term goals:

  • What is the true purpose of my work online?
  • Where will I be in five years?
  • What baby steps do I take today to get there?


In your personal development you need to diversify by working on different aspects of your life. When it comes down to working online, you need to diversify sources of income as well as work.

You will need longterm investments and you will need short-term investments. You will need some investment only to be able to acquire passive income. You will also need to invest time and effort into something that requires you to stretch, grow and learn. And you will need something that brings you true happiness, regardless of income.  Most importantly, all of these must be wide-spread not to depend on one “golden egg”. The same principle as in personal development. You can’t lay all of your focus in one area. What if it goes wrong?

It must be stated here that many income opportunities online are very risky and might be closed down for any number of reasons. By experience and many disappointments you eventually learn what works and what doesn’t. It is a learning experience as everything else. And this is another reason to why diversification is even more important when choosing the best ways to make money online. Following are my experienced recommendations to diversify your online activities:

  1. Blog: An absolute must to start with. Great way to start taking action and learning the skills you need. A long-term never-ending business opportunity. Example: or
  2. Charity investment: Even if you invest in your happiness and other people’s quality of life. There is a way to combine it with long-term investments that will give you nice pension bonuses. Example: Better Globe
  3. Net revenue sharing. The easiest, safest and most lucrative way to build a steady constantly growing passive income. Example: Traffic Monsoon and MyPayingAds
  4. MLM, multi level marketing. Not a success for everyone, and hard to find sustainable companies. But a must to learn more about yourself and how people really function. Has to be combined with a product that increases in value to ensure income even without successful recruiting. Example: OneCoin
  5. Financial Investments. Investments with structured leverage products. Uniquely enables the possibility to earn high returns with a relatively small investment. Example: Icon Sachs

Mypayingads logo traffic monsoon logo better globe logo  One Coin logo 2Icon Sachs logo  WordPress


In coming blog posts I will explain each of the above areas in more details. I will also talk about the opportunities that I recommend in detail. No affiliate links are present, but you are off course welcome to join me. Just hook me up on Facebook or send me a comment.

All my commissions from initial investments will be yours to keep, as a thank you :-)

There are many other areas online where you can learn and earn a good income. But only the above has worked for me, and I have tried everything that came in my way. I started out with trading, but learned the hard way that feelings and emotions work against you. What business can work without feelings and emotions? I then tried systems and signals to trade binary options and to bet on sports and horseracing. Impossible to find a steady program where you can rely on the system, or without working day and night.

Next up was pure MLM, multi level marketing, where most programs were to depending on a steady growing base of new members investing. Eventually growing to big to handle even with sufficient new members. Or to big for not being stopped by some external hand like governments, banks, financial police, suing members etc. Also extremely dependent on your capacity to make your recruited members succeed in recruiting new members. For me impossible to cope with the bad conscience of my members loosing their investments.

I also tried network marketing to sell affiliate products. Both in communities like Empower Network and MLSP and through specialized companies like Clickbank and Amazon. A great way to earn a living for many skilled marketers with years of experience, but way to hard for a beginner.

As you can see, the best ways to make money online can be a tough and expensive road to find out yourself. Better to get yourself a mentor that already did the lessons and finally came out on the other side. Happy, experienced and finally making money :-)

Good luck and take care

Peter,  (your own dedicated coach, mentor and personal advisor online)


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The best ways to make money online

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