Do what you love, love what you do

Do what you love, love what you do. These words can be powerful if used in the right way. But it can also be used against you.

What I mean is that you need to be aware of where you put your effort. Do you put all your effort into a company like Apple, where you are supposed to be dedicated to life. Where you work because you love the ideals. Easy to get used, overrun and overworked. Or is it something you do for free since it fulfills you. That even might make you a fortunate future?
Love what you do

If you do what you love, it is likely that it will make you happy and with a feeling of fulfillment. You cannot go around all your life just working for or pleasing someone else, making them rich and happy. You need to do something for yourself.

But what do you love to do then? Well for me it was a hard question, since I had forgotten all about myself while my kids were growing up. Spent evening after evening playing games as an escape from reality. Short term satisfaction, but fatal for relations and work in the long term.

Long story short, but it all changed when I turned 40. Started to realize that it was time to make a change. I was actually playing the same games as my son, who was 11 years old at the time. Instead of gaming I started to trade online instead. Boy, was that a wake-up call or what. Totally impossible if you could not keep your feelings at bay. The message was clear, I had to work a lot on myself first before doing anything serious online.
Love what you do

Then when I finally started my online career I discovered my true passions. The first discovery was the communities, where you suddenly was apart of something greater than yourself. You were not alone. Then it was all the connections, and all the new “online friends” that I got. Then it was the insights and self understandings I got from all the inspirational books and presentations i plowed through. Then it was the paychecks! Oh, god how I love when paychecks come in. It was a sensation the first time, but it still excites me.

Below one of my gold payments of 3255 Euro from EMGoldex, and my most recent payments from One Coin:
OneCoin Account
 And the small but constantly growing investment that I have in Icon Sachs:
Icon Sachs 20151124

But the best part and the greatest rewards are still the feeling of growth and importance when you look back and see what you have accomplished. Will start a monthly diary here on My Dreamturial so that both you and I can follow the progress from month to month. I Also love when I get feedback and rewards from sharing and contributing. 6 weeks ago I turned on the possibility for you to subscribe to my blog. Today i have 260 subscribers!

This makes me both proud and grateful, two of the greatest feelings to make you happy :-)
Users 20151123

What about you? Where are you in life, do you do what you love? Have you found your true passions to work with? Is there anything that I can do to get you started?

To your success


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Love what you do, do what you love

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