Diversify focus to ensure results

Diversify focus to ensure results. What if you only focus on one thing, and that doesn’t work? Would that not feel discouraging, and even be a reason to quit?


In my last post (make yourself useful) I wrote about developing your skills.  When you do, you need to focus. It is impossible to quit smoking, go on a diet and start exercising at the same time. But if you can choose different areas in your life and focus on one thing in each area, then it becomes much easier and your chance of success increases.

As an example:

  • Health: To improve your health you choose to focus on getting adequate sleep, or to eat less sugar.
  • Relations: You focus on being happy and loving every time you come home, and surprise with a gift sometimes. Or you could decide to be totally present, without your phone, whenever your family is around you.
  • Work: Here is your focus on being “prompt” and prepared all the time.
  • Personal development: You read from a “good book” and write your plans and checklists every day. Alternatively you work on your skills to set up a blog, write a post or learn to understand SEO etc.

By doing all this but only focus on one single thing for each area of your life, you diversify focus. And the best thing about it is that you will always have something to celebrate and feel good about. Success feeds success. If it is habits that we are working on you must remember that it takes 14 days straight to learn them. After that and not before, you can choose to work on a new habit. If it is a hard habit to break or implement, try a 30-day challenge :-)

It is all about growing and replacing bad habits with good ones. If you don’t grow you shrink. If you constantly work on your habits you will slowly but surely change your life completely. You can read all about your habits and how it can change your life in the book “The Slight Edge“. I wrote 2 posts about that book a while ago: “The slight edge by Jeff Olson” and “Applying “The slight edge”.

The slight edge new

Take care and grow,

Best regards


Please leave a comment, subscribe and hook me up on social media

Diversify focus to ensure results


Make yourself useful

Make yourself useful and increase your value. In my last post (Thank you for subscribing to my blog!) I talked about the purpose of my blog and my plan to make it useful for you. But this concept is not unique. Everything today is about providing value. Especially when it comes to the size of your paycheck.


Are you being paid sufficiently? Your salary is only a measurement of the price you can be replaced for. If you only know what most people on the street know your “price tag” is cheap. But if you have special skills or knowledge it will get expensive to replace you.

What I recommend you to do is to develop your skills. And in particular, dwell on your passions. What you love to do is easy to learn. Especially since all skills needs learning by doing and repetition to master. But, the most efficient way to learn is by teaching…

And here the blog comes in again. By teaching others what you know you learn. And by teaching others you also provide value. Providing value is another great way to prove your worth. Lately I have been hearing that the description of your value is also by the amount you share, or “you get what you give”.

It is strange, but I start to believe that coincidence is a rare factor. Most things we do have a purpose, and most things are meant to happen. This is not like if things are supernatural, but rather that we shape our lives whether we want it or not.

Think about it like this: when you play with your kids and look for a yellow car, there are suddenly much more yellow cars out than usual. Or like when you fall in love with the Tesla cars, suddenly you see them a lot. “What you seek you shall find”.


If your mind is negative and stressed you will find more negativity and stress. But if you affirm yourself with positive thoughts, set your goals and expectations high you are much more likely to find success and happiness. Like “the law of attraction” but in a more logic and realistic way.

Take care now, and please affirm yourself

Make yourself useful


Please make a comment, subscribe and hook up with me on social media

Thank you for subscribing to my blog!

Thank you for subscribing to my blog! One week ago I made it possible for you to subscribe, and hundreds of you have already signed up. This makes me so grateful and gives me loads of new energy and inspiration. I even got a clear picture of the purpose with this blog, all thanks to you.

This blog will gradually be transformed into a site. A site where you will be able to find all the information you need about personal development and working online. I will add links, videos, reviews, personal experiences, coaching, etc.  Working online and Personal developement together with coaching are my true passions.

All things in life is about passion. Some things you have to do, but the rest gets a lot easier and better with passion. To become good at anything you need practice. But in order to become great you need both insane amounts of repetition and you need to teach. In order to accomplish this you really need to love what you do. Find out your deepest passions and figure out your purpose. When that is done, nothing can stop you. Be persistent and patient until you see results, then just ride on the wave of gratitude and happiness.

Did you try the affirmation link I posted about last week? : Positive affirmation helps

Please do. I just love the music and the voice of the person reading it. And it will make you stronger and more positive, if you listen to it regularly. Suddenly you start to think about how you prepare things and how you start planning ahead. Then you notice how you smile more and feel more confident. And after a while you get a bad conscience for not having your big goals written down…

As a proof of my gratitude towards you I will offer one free coaching call to each and every one of you subscribers

 Have a great day, and again thank you for subscribing :-)


Ny profilbild Peter

My top recommendation!

Positive Affirmation helps

Positive affirmation is almost like cheating. Because when you repeatedly give your mind positive affirmation, it starts to react as if they were true. Your mind cannot distinguish between reality and fiction. That is probably why we get nightmares when we see scary things, even if we know they are not for real. As in Sweden summer of 1975, when Jaws had premier in the cinemas. The bathing areas all around Sweden suddenly got empty.


Positive affirmation is simply put positive words spoken about yourself, your abilities and what you want to accomplish or become. These can be spoken by yourself by a script, to reassure that the same message gets repeated. Preferably in front of the mirror out loud. Works like a charm…

But to make it easier for us who may not want to speak out loud in front of a mirror, there are recordings. These you can just listen to in front of the computer, or even better on your phone.

A couple of days ago I got a fantastic recording of a positive affirmation in a nice format. You can just save it as a bookmark in your browser. I got it from Gavin Mountford: http://networkingsuperstars.com/affirmations/

Either you can bookmark his site or the actual recording:

Positive affirmation recording

Please try it. For me it immediately makes me think about what I do during the day and how I do it. It has like ready instructions for how to live your live and what to think about, whatever you plan to do. Suddenly I began planning the next day before I got to bed. And suddenly I started to prepare myself better before going to meetings, and suddenly I smile more…

Positive affirmation: “You can do it, and you know you can”

Take care and grow,

All the best to you



Today I joined My Paying Ads

My Paying Ads here I come, finally. Have been looking into it for several weeks and today I decided to join, since it has a longterm stable business model.

Reasons for joining:

High potential for very good earnings

Mature site that passed 6 months with longterm stable business model

Easy to pay and get fast payments with PayPal and Solid trust pay

Over 44000 members and growing fast




What is My Paying Ads?

It is a site where you buy shares of traffic and get a little revenue for every share 24/7. The more shares you have, the more revenue you get. Every share expires after they give you 20-50% more than you paid, depending on size. You can also use these shares to promote your own offers if you want.

There is also a possibility to get growing commission from everyone you sponsor into My Paying Ads. 10% on all purchases. And the purchases grows as your shares must be bought again and again with higher and higher profit. But there is no pyramid and no binaries, only direct sales commission. This is very good for long term stability.

Why join My Paying Ads when there are bigger and older sites like MAP and Traffic Monsoon? Because here you start by buying shares for 1$  instead of 50$. It makes it much easier to start and it goes much faster. The key is to have many shares and to be able to buy new ones all the time. That way you get a compounding effect immediately.

Example: Today I bought 55 shares, tomorrow I can buy another. The revenue will be over 1$ which makes it possible. Then I have another share that will also give me revenue. And if I tomorrow add more funds and buy 55 more shares I will get enough revenue for 2 more shares every day. These extra shares will eventually make it possible to buy even more shares.

If I would have joined Map or Monsoon I could only have bought 1 share (50$) and would then have to wait 50 days until I could buy another…

In order to get revenue you need to watch 10 members ad sites every day. Done in a couple of minutes.

And when you join me I will get commission to buy more shares and to help you get started.

The shares are divided into levels with a maximum of 200 in each level up to number 10.  The first level costs 1 dollar, the second 3, the third 5 etc. You get more and more revenue from the shares before it expires when you climb in levels.

My Paying Ads Levels

I will try to make a video to explain this in detail further on.

Just add a comment below to get an invitation My Paying Ads with a special bonus and my personal help. Or click the banner below…

Take care and sleep well. Goodnight


Do you know who you are?

In order for anyone to feel satisfied or successful you need to know who you are and what you could become.

Who do you think knows you best? Is it your mother, or you wife/husband, or maybe your best friend. No, it’s you. What everyone else knows about you and know who you are, is only the reflection of you. How you act, react or respond to your surroundings. You can be ordinary or extraordinary. Just like raindrops reflecting sunlight creating a beautiful rainbow, or just ordinary raindrops not reflecting at all.
Learn to know yourself

Caught this tonight on my way home :-)


What if you would try to change your reflection for a week.

  • Give a little smile to everyone you meet
  • Talk less about yourself
  • Show genuine interest for other people
  • Really listen when people talk, without interrupting them
  • Try to help out whenever you have the possibility
  • Be grateful and think about all the good and beautiful things around you.


How do you think that would change your reflection? And how could it change you?

Or maybe you can try it for two weeks, every habit takes two weeks to become natural. You can read more about habits in my post 30-day challenge

But the key here are as always to be consistent. Life goes up and down, and so does your mood. Some days you feel sad, some worthless. Then tell yourself in front of the mirror that you are great and smile. If possible make it a laugh. To make it even more powerful, think about things that you are proud of. You may cheat by writing a list when your mood is better :-)

Who are you really? The one who complains and blame others, or the one taking responsibility for your own actions and circumstances?

Can you become someone better than you are today. Can you become the rainbow?

You need to know who you are and what you can become

Take care, and grow


Leader or loser, what makes the difference?

Are you a leader or loser? Over 90% of all the people searching for an extra income online end up being losers.

But what makes the difference between a leader or loser? Is it talent, money or is it plain luck? Or is it perhaps something else?

Today I felt like a looser, because you had suddenly abandoned me. That despite the fact that I got one new member investing in UFUN, and another one coming in to my OneCoin team. I now totally understand how the famous people would feel when their career ends and everyone forgets about them. No wonder they get depressed and tend to use other stimulus like alcohol or drugs.

The reason for feeling abandoned was that I yesterday transferred my blog to WordPress.org from WordPress.com, where I had a free blog for 2 years, and now suddenly I don’t have any visitors at all.  It seems that all my work was wasted when I switched domain. The feeling of hopelessness is overwhelming and all the energy to continue vanished with your visits and views.

But am I leader or looser? That is what it comes down to. Am I prepared to start all over again and make it even better, or will I just give up? A leader is simply someone who stands taller every time he falls, the one who will never give up. That’s what it takes to become a leader, to be come successful.

Success never comes easy, never comes fast and has nothing to do with luck. Small steps that leads us forward and the persistence to fight on, no matter what happens, is what it takes. That is what makes the difference between a leader or loser. Or as Tony Robbins would say:

tony robbins quote

Together we can do this even better. Just use the contact page and hook up with me…

Are you a Leader or loser?

Take care, and fight on


Work online – work with yourself

You have to go online, and not only to surf, get served and to socialize. You need to:

“Work online”

It does not matter if you are busy up to your ears, everyone can start doing something. Just join an online business to learn how things work online,  see my recommendations here: Opportunities. 

Then you will get encouraged by the others in your team or your new community. Next level is that you start getting recommendations for other options or other businesses. And somewhere along the way you will realize that you need to start to work on your own skills. And then you are hooked…

Internet is our future, your future. Everything happens online today. And the evolution goes faster and faster.

Work online is not about the money. Yes I know, we all want some extra money and we all dream about getting rich. But getting rich online takes a lot of effort and hard work, not something you do on your spare time just now and then. You can build up an extra income if you put your heart into it. But still, work online is so much more than earning money.

  1. You start to stretch yourself (and grow)
  2. You are a part of something greater, something beyond yourself
  3. You make a lot of new friends you would never have met, from places you never heard of
  4. You start to know yourself, and you start to understand what drives you
  5. You start to understand other people better, and how to communicate better with them
  6. You see and get the possibility to change your future to the better
  7. You can earn money
  8. Happiness

Yes, you will even find happiness. By taking action you learn. When you learn and work with it and work with yourself you get skilled and passionate. When you find your passion you will find your purpose. And when you found your purpose you will start to be grateful and ready to serve. When you serve you will become happy.

  • Action
  • Learning 
  • Skill
  • Passion
  • Purpose
  • Gratefulness 
  • Serve
  • Happiness 

But it takes action, drive, motivation, persistence and an open mind.

Good luck :-)


P.s Click below banner to see my top recommendation right now. Free to register and bonus if you join :-)

Why you do what you do

Today I just happened to stumble across a great TED talk by Tony Robbins. I have seen it before but it still moves me like the first time I saw it. Tony Robbins is a remarkable person, with a gift to really get you thinking about the importance of your life.

tony robbins

What is driving you, why do you do what you do and what is possible for you to achieve…

I had a period in my life a couple of years ago where I felt completely lost. Tony really helped me by encouraging me to find my why. To find out why I do what I do, and the real purpose in my life?

My why was off course my kids, my wonderful son and daughter both about to become teenagers. But to be aware of it, embrace it and grasp it gives it a whole new meaning and a whole new responsibility. To realize that every good thing I had done the past 10 years had been done with a reason I never even realized.

Becoming a soccer coach, a certified swim teacher, learning how to snowboard, learning study techniques etc. Just to be able to support and teach my kids in the best way possible. And when you are aware of it you can start to plan it better. Or as Tony says it you can “map” it out.

Nowadays I really feel like their mentor, teacher and role model. It makes me dedicated to learn, behave and grow. But it also gives me bad conscience, because when they were small I was not mature enough to have kids. I was a kid myself. It was overwhelming and I fled by sitting in front of my computer playing games almost every night…

I do recommend that you listen to this recording in order to really understand “why you do what you do”.



Tony Robbins TED talk

Take care


“Why you do what you do”


Motivation or inspiration

What’s the best way to get results? Is it to have motivation or to have inspiration? Well, from my perspective it is definitely inspiration, but you will need some motivation as well. What is the difference then?

Motivation is good to have in order to get you going, like taking that first step. Can be to actually get to the gym, or to start writing your post or maybe to start calling your prospects.  Motivation is mostly driven by fear: I must go to the gym or I will get fat, I must write that post otherwise my followers will let me down or I must make those calls to be able to pay my bills. Motivation is great short-term, but maybe not so great longterm. It will make results, but maybe just the results you need to get by and often not for long.

Inspiration is great, and will make you see grand visions, big goals and the perfect results. Inspiration is based on feelings and make you feel alive and ready to rock the world, but it tends to stay there unfortunately.

What I suggest is that you use them both in collaboration. You start by boosting up your inspiration with a lot of Why´s. Then start to think about what it can lead to, your dreams. And last boost up your motivation by thinking about what will happen if I don´t do anything.  This will lead you to have a thoughts mixed with emotions, inspiration mixed with motivation. The best thing is off course if you write it down to make it real and publish it to make it official, if you dare :-)

Then to get results, just think about one thing that you can do that will lead you closer to your dream. It can be anything, just a small research, a sketch or to take that first call. Just do one thing.

Then start thinking about the next thing you can do and do just one thing. As you go along you will get closer and closer step by step, and it won´t be hard.

Think about it as if you would plant a tree that slowly grows to become a wonder. You won´t see anything in the beginning, as long as it is in the ground. But when it comes up through the ground and get its sunlight, then you will see the results and then you will see it grow day by day.

Often we set big goals and think we can make it just by thinking about it or by making great plans and goals. But the fact is, that it is really hard to get there by share willpower. It is so easy to think you can do it all fast and then quit before you can reap the rewards from it.

To get more understanding about how you can take baby steps to overcome mountains, read my post and the book “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson

Take care and grow, little by little
