Make yourself useful and increase your value. In my last post (Thank you for subscribing to my blog!) I talked about the purpose of my blog and my plan to make it useful for you. But this concept is not unique. Everything today is about providing value. Especially when it comes to the size of your paycheck.
Are you being paid sufficiently? Your salary is only a measurement of the price you can be replaced for. If you only know what most people on the street know your “price tag” is cheap. But if you have special skills or knowledge it will get expensive to replace you.
What I recommend you to do is to develop your skills. And in particular, dwell on your passions. What you love to do is easy to learn. Especially since all skills needs learning by doing and repetition to master. But, the most efficient way to learn is by teaching…
And here the blog comes in again. By teaching others what you know you learn. And by teaching others you also provide value. Providing value is another great way to prove your worth. Lately I have been hearing that the description of your value is also by the amount you share, or “you get what you give”.
It is strange, but I start to believe that coincidence is a rare factor. Most things we do have a purpose, and most things are meant to happen. This is not like if things are supernatural, but rather that we shape our lives whether we want it or not.
Think about it like this: when you play with your kids and look for a yellow car, there are suddenly much more yellow cars out than usual. Or like when you fall in love with the Tesla cars, suddenly you see them a lot. “What you seek you shall find”.
If your mind is negative and stressed you will find more negativity and stress. But if you affirm yourself with positive thoughts, set your goals and expectations high you are much more likely to find success and happiness. Like “the law of attraction” but in a more logic and realistic way.
Take care now, and please affirm yourself
Make yourself useful
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