Thank you for subscribing to my blog! One week ago I made it possible for you to subscribe, and hundreds of you have already signed up. This makes me so grateful and gives me loads of new energy and inspiration. I even got a clear picture of the purpose with this blog, all thanks to you.
This blog will gradually be transformed into a site. A site where you will be able to find all the information you need about personal development and working online. I will add links, videos, reviews, personal experiences, coaching, etc. Working online and Personal developement together with coaching are my true passions.
All things in life is about passion. Some things you have to do, but the rest gets a lot easier and better with passion. To become good at anything you need practice. But in order to become great you need both insane amounts of repetition and you need to teach. In order to accomplish this you really need to love what you do. Find out your deepest passions and figure out your purpose. When that is done, nothing can stop you. Be persistent and patient until you see results, then just ride on the wave of gratitude and happiness.
Did you try the affirmation link I posted about last week? : Positive affirmation helps
Please do. I just love the music and the voice of the person reading it. And it will make you stronger and more positive, if you listen to it regularly. Suddenly you start to think about how you prepare things and how you start planning ahead. Then you notice how you smile more and feel more confident. And after a while you get a bad conscience for not having your big goals written down…
As a proof of my gratitude towards you I will offer one free coaching call to each and every one of you subscribers
Have a great day, and again thank you for subscribing