Merry Christmas and a happy new year I wish to you all. Take the time to enjoy life and spend time together.
Christmas in Sweden is a christian tradition that is commonly celebrated even though most here are not religious. Normally Christmas is related to a lot of snow, building snowmen and throwing snowballs. But this year Christmas was green as if it was still autumn.
But then finally yesterday snow finally started to fall down as it should
When I start to think about what has happened in 2015 it is like a roller coaster. Many bad and frightening things has happened in the world with tyrannies, terrorism, crisis, fugitives etc. But we are still here and time passes on. We can only try to help as much as we can.
Personally it has not been a great year. Too little exercise, sleep and good reading. Too much unhealthy eating, gaming and time wasting unfortunately. But physiologically I feel a lot stronger, and relations have been improved. Economically I have improved my incomes and assets greatly.
Plan for next year is to keep up the good work and improve health.
Whats your plan and reflection?
Merry Christmas and a happy new year everyone